Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Back online!

Good morning guys and dolls,
I have been lacking on my blog pretty severely and for that I apologize. So much is taking place in the world right now, that is just absolutely mind numbing. Sandy, election time, change in time, and events, events, events! Sunday was a blast at the Los Alamitos army base, with classic cars, classic aircraft, and even classier people! The mechanics of war from our giant birds in the sky just amazes me. One of my favorite clothing websites :bombshellbettie was there as well, and shopping always makes it better! Twitter is second nature to me lately, so watch out tweeters, there is a new gab gifted gal on the prowl!  Make sure to follow my blog for more interesting tips, on fashion, makeup, hair and GUNS!! Xoxo

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Girls for guns club!

With all this talk of politics, issues concerning ones safety, and what we should do about it, has really got me thinking...What can I do as one individual to make a difference in other peoples lives to prevent serious harm coming to them..and there it was...the lightbulb flicked on and I realized how many women, mom, single and successful women out there in the world who have hd no one to protect them and or their children but themselves. Being an experienced arms user.. I have decided to volunteer my time and knowledge to anyone out there who is or has been curious about firearms. I am more than happy to educate others on safety and use of such fire arms. As soon as I get a small group of ladies together, I will be reserving a lane at local LA, CA indoor firing range!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday fun day!!

So today was productive! I got some much needed sleep, and a even much more needed workout! I Recently purchased the Total Gym, and let me tell you: it is anything but easy lol. The 6 minute workout will leave you feeling like you put in an hour, needless to say it was worth every penny!  I want to also take a moment to explain yesterdays post about the no bra day; Because I was unable to enjoy that wonderful day on Saturday due to helping raise money for a family member, I carried over the great idea to Sunday and boy did I enjoy it :) Her is to a spectacular Tuesday! I can't wait to see what it brings.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Good Morning!
Yesterday was a huge success in raising money for my cousin who lost his mom this year, and then I capped off my evening with a party to remember for My friend Uma's 30th Birthday party.. The Dj was amazing, the people had me laughing till my sides hurt and at the end of the night, I got to go home with my handsome for some much needed sleep! Sunday is a most wonderful day for me: Football, cooking, baking, and planning for the week to come. Tomorrow I start at a new MMA gym, get to take a newbie out shooting for the first time, and end my evening partaking in a Brazilian jiu jitzu class :)  For my ladies out there reading this, I just wanted to share that yay: today is no wearing a bra day lol....so yes I plan to stay inside while participating.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Awesome Movie Time!

Awww, don't you just love a good movie night? I finally got to sit down and watch the avengers, excellent movie to snuggle with your honey to. Totally took my mind off the ludicrous bill my dental office sent me earlier today :) Sweet dreams friends

First Time Blogging!

Thunder, rain, and a smile on my face! I can't not even begin to explain the kind of lady that I am. I was inspired on a whim to start participating in the "Blogging World." I have amazing friends to motivate and inspire me everyday to put my thoughts and dreams out into the world, so here it is: Life is crazy beautiful!
I am currently the maid of honor in two weddings for 2013, and it is pure fun insanity to help plan two weddings at the same time. Oh and did I mention one was out of state lol. hmmmmm.....I've got my work cut out for me, and I haven't even begun to start going nuts for the holidays.
Note: I plan to blog as much as possible about: Guns.. (yes guns), and Make-up (which I plan to post pictures and how-to's), Hair (care, style, and the products I am a junkie for), and  of course life which now matter who you are, where you're from , some way, somehow, you will be able to relate :)
